SwissSalary Apps

Get the most out of SwissSalary solutions! With the SwissSalary Apps you get many more possibilities.

Extend the SwissSalary standard solution in the SaaS cloud and unlock additional features.

To the app overview Download apps from the store

Different apps for all possible applications

All SwissSalary Apps at a glance!

Never leave your ERP system again for a bank payment

SwissSalary Banking & Banking Core

Through an initiative of the SIX Group, was created in joint development. Based on we developed two new apps, which provide a direct connection and a secure communication to banks and financial institutions.

More information about the banking apps

Synchronize accounting with the Cloud

SwissSalary Cloud Connector & Cloud Connector

With these apps, payroll professionals can use SwissSalary in the cloud. The Cloud Connector does all the work in the background to ensure that the general ledger data is always synchronized between the local and the cloud system.

Learn more about the Cloud Connector Apps

Additional functions for the cloud

SwissSalary Cloud Essentials

While SwissSalary continues to support both cloud and on-premises instances of Business Central and NAV, our goal with Cloud Essentials was to deliver features that can only be made possible using the latest tools in the cloud.

More information about the Cloud Essential App

Extension for SwissSalary Construction in the Cloud

SwissSalary for Construction

The SwissSalary for Construction app is an extension to allow Nevaris (Construction) customers to use the standard cloud solution. It is designed to move the SwissSalary-related parts of the Construction solution into a single cloud app that extends the core functionality of SwissSalary 365.

Frequently used functionalities

SwissSalary Library

The SwissSalary Library simplifies the development of other Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central apps by providing a set of frequently used functionalities. While there is no direct advantage for the user, the development of other apps can be made faster and more unified. The modules provided are not for specific countries, customers or apps and thus can be used for any flavor of Business Central.

Monetization interface for the SwissSalary apps

SwissSalary Monetize

SwissSalary Monetize acts as the central as the central monetization interface for the SwissSalary Ltd. apps, enabling us to manage app installations. The customer gets an overview of the apps provided by SwissSalary Ltd. that are installed in his Business Central. Information about the current state of each app is displayed, such as the end of a trial period or if the app is already fully activated. For certain apps the status can be different per company.


If you are interested, you have several options at your disposal

We are happy to help you. Take
if you have any further questions or
please contact us!

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in the Appsource Store and
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