You want to benefit from the latest features? Then you are at the right place!

Newest features for Microsoft Business Central

Less effort and a better overview

The Cloud Essentials app is available free of charge and builds on the core of SwissSalary 365.
Users benefit from the latest tools and capabilities, which are only possible with the latest versions of Business Central Online.

Departements Organigramm

This organizational chart shows a broad overview of the department structure. It shows department supervisors, child departments, and even employees within each department.

Cross Company Automate

This feature enables users to automatically run tasks for multiple companies. The configuration and management of tasks as well as the generated files and logs are available across all companies, and it supports codeunits, upload interfaces, and saving reports as PDF, Word, or Excel.



The Cloud Essentials app can be downloaded from the Microsoft AppSource Store at any time and used immediately with SwissSalary 365.