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SwissSalary News

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February 2017

How to download Demo/Dev license

Some SwissSalary partner from Germany informed us, that they missing some Pages or Codeunits in the license.

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February 2017

SwissSalary in international environments

The point I made was that SwissSalary depends on the (Swiss) regional settings. As of today, nothing has changed.

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January 2017

ELM-Transmitter V4.0 | .NET-Framework 4.5 required

The ELM transmitter version 4.0 works only if the .NET Framework 4.5 is installed on the device.

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January 2017

ELM transfer | FAQ

Require ELM insurance profile by the insurer, Setting LIVE and not TEST environment, Customize ELM directory...

Thumbnail SwissSalary News

January 2017

Error on ELM Transmitter: [EN00011]:An error was disovered processing the header

On of the problem with the SwissSalary ELM transmitter could be, if the time stamp client/server does not match.

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January 2017

ELM Transmitter in Citrix

ELM Transmitter in Citrix - Certificate in Group Policy

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January 2017

SQL Server 2016 and Dynamics NAV

Microsoft announced today that SQL Server 2016 is officially compatible with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 and higher.

Thumbnail SwissSalary News

January 2017

ELM Transmitter: Cannot find the requested object

Thumbnail SwissSalary News

January 2017

How To Do NAV Object Updates (FOBs)

Even though NAV has been around for many years it seems that people don't know how to do a NAV object update correctly.

Thumbnail Presidents Club

July 2016

SwissSalary Ltd. in President's Club 2016 for Microsoft Dynamics

In 2016, we are again in the top 5% of the worldwide Microsoft Dynamics Partner! We are very pleased that we were elected to the President's Club for Microsoft Dynamics 2014 and also 2016.
