Enjoy your job – surrounded by a sustainable work environment!
SwissSalary Sustainability Goals
In the year 2024, we focused on the following Sustainable Development Goals:
Dreams without goals are just dreams
Goals and actions
In the year 2024, we focused on a total of eight Sustainable Development Goals – three in the social, three in the economic, and two in the environmental sphere.
Goal 1: Promoting the health and subjective wellbeing of our employees.
- Annual monitoring of the current status
- Support of continuing education and training
- Lunchtime exercise opportunities (jogging, tennis, team climbing)
- Modern and ergonomic furnishings at workstations
- itamins at work (fruit is provided)
- Modifications of internal work structures and processes
Goal: Equal pay for men and women.
- Analysis of equal pay using the federal analysis tool, Logib
- Prompt adjustment upon determination of a pay gap
Goal: Reduction of SwissSalary’s energy consumption and switch to renewable energy.
- Evaluation of the energy consumption by SwissSalary’s offices the last three years
- Switch of energy products to (primarily) solar energy
Goal: Sponsorship of startups and university projects through know-how and financial support.
- Conceptual development of an instrument for the early detection of unhealthy work patterns
Goal: No discrimination during and outside of operating hours.
- Creation of a non-discrimination policy
- Promotion of internal awareness with regard to discrimination
- Development of a reporting process for discriminatory events (what is the course of action in a case of conflict?)
- Reworking of existing regulations
Goal: Sustainable pension pay plan as well as sustainable suppliers.
- Evaluation of the investment plan of our pension payor with regard to sustainability
- Selection of suppliers based on sustainability
- Public communication and relations
Goal: SwissSalary as a CO2-neutral company.
- Evaluation of SwissSalary’s CO2 footprint and offsets through participation in climate protection projects and adoption of more environmentally friendly alternatives
- Support of the project "Stop deforestation in Pará, Brazil" from the SwissClimate portfolio
- Planting of 200 trees in 4 countries (offset of 15 metric tons of CO2)
- Purchase of reusable dishes by the company ReCircle
- Replacement of PET mineral water bottles through installation of AQA drink water dispensers
Ziel: Förderung von gerechtem Wettbewerb und Anti-Korruption, Unterstützung von gemeinnützigen Institutionen.
- Nachhaltige Lösungen evaluieren in unsere Produkte und Tools einfliessen lassen
- Erstellung eines Konzeptes zur internen Nutzung von Open-Source Softwarelösungen
- Analyse möglicher Partnerschaften mit gemeinnützigen Institutionen in der Schweiz
Our involvement in climate protection projects
SwissSalary Forest
Our SwissSalary Forest was created through the planting of 200 trees. Because we are unable to reduce our emissions to zero, planting trees is a natural means of sequestering CO2 and offsetting emissions. Trees are also a central component of a healthy earth.
Stopping deforestation in Pará Brazil
The main goal of this climate protection project is to stop commercial logging. By banning logging operations, a giant forest with dense vegetation is preserved, resulting in a high reduction of CO2 emissions. The cultivation of Açaí, a local berry, is supported as an alternative source of income for the local population. By supporting this project, SwissSalary contributed to saving 132 metric tons of CO2. You can find more information on this and other climate protection projects at swissclimate.ch